
T&T Pro League

Trinidad and Tobago


W Connection


Morvant Caledonia United

Defence Force

San Juan Jabloteh


North East Stars

St. Ann's Rangers



No information available at the moment

The lack of data may be due to no information available at the moment, an error, or the widget is still under development for this section.


Central FC

W Connection

Club Sando

Point Fortin

Defence Force

North East Stars


Morvant Caledonia United

Prison Service

San Juan Jabloteh

San Juan Jabloteh


W Connection


Point Fortin

Prison Service

Morvant Caledonia United

Central FC

North East Stars

Club Sando

Central FC



North East Stars

San Juan Jabloteh

Club Sando

W Connection

St. Ann's Rangers

Morvant Caledonia United

Prison Service

Defence Force

Point Fortin

Morvant Caledonia United

W Connection

Central FC

San Juan Jabloteh


Point Fortin

Club Sando

St. Ann's Rangers

Prison Service

North East Stars

Defence Force


W Connection

Defence Force

St. Ann's Rangers

Prison Service


Club Sando

North East Stars


Point Fortin

Central FC

San Juan Jabloteh

Morvant Caledonia United

San Juan Jabloteh

W Connection

Central FC

North East Stars

Club Sando

Defence Force

Morvant Caledonia United

Point Fortin


St. Ann's Rangers

Prison Service


W Connection

Club Sando



Defence Force

Prison Service

St. Ann's Rangers

Central FC

Point Fortin

San Juan Jabloteh

North East Stars

Morvant Caledonia United

San Juan Jabloteh

North East Stars

Morvant Caledonia United

St. Ann's Rangers

Point Fortin

W Connection


Central FC

Club Sando

Prison Service


Defence Force

Defence Force

Central FC

St. Ann's Rangers

San Juan Jabloteh


Morvant Caledonia United

North East Stars

Point Fortin

W Connection

Prison Service

Central FC

Club Sando

North East Stars

W Connection


Prison Service

Point Fortin

St. Ann's Rangers

Morvant Caledonia United

Defence Force

San Juan Jabloteh


Club Sando


Defence Force

San Juan Jabloteh

Prison Service

Central FC


Point Fortin

Club Sando

Morvant Caledonia United

W Connection


St. Ann's Rangers

North East Stars


W Connection

Morvant Caledonia United

Club Sando

Central FC

Prison Service

San Juan Jabloteh

Defence Force

Point Fortin


North East Stars

St. Ann's Rangers

Defence Force

Morvant Caledonia United

W Connection

North East Stars

Prison Service



San Juan Jabloteh

Club Sando

Central FC

St. Ann's Rangers

Point Fortin

Prison Service

W Connection


Club Sando

Point Fortin

North East Stars

Central FC

Defence Force

Morvant Caledonia United


San Juan Jabloteh

St. Ann's Rangers

North East Stars

San Juan Jabloteh

St. Ann's Rangers

Morvant Caledonia United

W Connection

Point Fortin

Defence Force


Prison Service

Club Sando

St. Ann's Rangers

Defence Force

Central FC


Prison Service

Defence Force

Central FC

St. Ann's Rangers

Morvant Caledonia United

North East Stars



Club Sando

W Connection

San Juan Jabloteh

Point Fortin


St. Ann's Rangers

W Connection

San Juan Jabloteh

St. Ann's Rangers


Defence Force

Club Sando

Point Fortin

Morvant Caledonia United

North East Stars

Central FC


Prison Service

Defence Force

W Connection


North East Stars

Club Sando


Prison Service

St. Ann's Rangers

Central FC

Point Fortin

San Juan Jabloteh

Central FC

W Connection

Morvant Caledonia United

Point Fortin



Defence Force

St. Ann's Rangers

Club Sando

Morvant Caledonia United

San Juan Jabloteh

St. Ann's Rangers

W Connection


Central FC

North East Stars


Club Sando

San Juan Jabloteh

Point Fortin

Defence Force

Prison Service

Morvant Caledonia United


W Connection

Club Sando

North East Stars

Prison Service

Point Fortin

Defence Force

St. Ann's Rangers


San Juan Jabloteh

Central FC

Morvant Caledonia United

North East Stars

Prison Service

W Connection

Central FC

Morvant Caledonia United


San Juan Jabloteh

Prison Service

Point Fortin

Club Sando

North East Stars

Defence Force

St. Ann's Rangers


W Connection vs. Central FC Point Fortin vs. Club Sando North East Stars vs. Defence Force Morvant Caledonia United vs. Cunupia San Juan Jabloteh vs. Prison Service Cunupia vs. San Juan Jabloteh Police vs. W Connection Prison Service vs. Point Fortin Central FC vs. Morvant Caledonia United Club Sando vs. North East Stars Cunupia vs. Central FC North East Stars vs. Police Club Sando vs. San Juan Jabloteh St. Ann's Rangers vs. W Connection Prison Service vs. Morvant Caledonia United Point Fortin vs. Defence Force W Connection vs. Morvant Caledonia United San Juan Jabloteh vs. Central FC Point Fortin vs. Cunupia St. Ann's Rangers vs. Club Sando North East Stars vs. Prison Service Police vs. Defence Force Defence Force vs. W Connection Prison Service vs. St. Ann's Rangers Club Sando vs. Police Cunupia vs. North East Stars Central FC vs. Point Fortin Morvant Caledonia United vs. San Juan Jabloteh W Connection vs. San Juan Jabloteh North East Stars vs. Central FC Defence Force vs. Club Sando Point Fortin vs. Morvant Caledonia United St. Ann's Rangers vs. Cunupia Police vs. Prison Service Club Sando vs. W Connection Cunupia vs. Police Prison Service vs. Defence Force Central FC vs. St. Ann's Rangers San Juan Jabloteh vs. Point Fortin Morvant Caledonia United vs. North East Stars North East Stars vs. San Juan Jabloteh St. Ann's Rangers vs. Morvant Caledonia United W Connection vs. Point Fortin Central FC vs. Police Prison Service vs. Club Sando Defence Force vs. Cunupia Central FC vs. Defence Force San Juan Jabloteh vs. St. Ann's Rangers Morvant Caledonia United vs. Police Point Fortin vs. North East Stars Prison Service vs. W Connection Club Sando vs. Central FC W Connection vs. North East Stars Prison Service vs. Cunupia St. Ann's Rangers vs. Point Fortin Defence Force vs. Morvant Caledonia United Police vs. San Juan Jabloteh Cunupia vs. Club Sando San Juan Jabloteh vs. Defence Force Central FC vs. Prison Service Point Fortin vs. Police Morvant Caledonia United vs. Club Sando Cunupia vs. W Connection North East Stars vs. St. Ann's Rangers W Connection vs. Cunupia Club Sando vs. Morvant Caledonia United Prison Service vs. Central FC Defence Force vs. San Juan Jabloteh Police vs. Point Fortin St. Ann's Rangers vs. North East Stars Morvant Caledonia United vs. Defence Force North East Stars vs. W Connection Cunupia vs. Prison Service San Juan Jabloteh vs. Police Central FC vs. Club Sando Point Fortin vs. St. Ann's Rangers W Connection vs. Prison Service Club Sando vs. Cunupia North East Stars vs. Point Fortin Defence Force vs. Central FC Police vs. Morvant Caledonia United St. Ann's Rangers vs. San Juan Jabloteh San Juan Jabloteh vs. North East Stars Morvant Caledonia United vs. St. Ann's Rangers Point Fortin vs. W Connection Cunupia vs. Defence Force Club Sando vs. Prison Service Defence Force vs. St. Ann's Rangers Police vs. Central FC Defence Force vs. Prison Service St. Ann's Rangers vs. Central FC North East Stars vs. Morvant Caledonia United Police vs. Cunupia W Connection vs. Club Sando Point Fortin vs. San Juan Jabloteh St. Ann's Rangers vs. Police San Juan Jabloteh vs. W Connection Cunupia vs. St. Ann's Rangers Club Sando vs. Defence Force Morvant Caledonia United vs. Point Fortin Central FC vs. North East Stars Prison Service vs. Police W Connection vs. Defence Force North East Stars vs. Cunupia Police vs. Club Sando St. Ann's Rangers vs. Prison Service Point Fortin vs. Central FC Central FC vs. San Juan Jabloteh Morvant Caledonia United vs. W Connection Cunupia vs. Point Fortin Defence Force vs. Police Club Sando vs. St. Ann's Rangers San Juan Jabloteh vs. Morvant Caledonia United W Connection vs. St. Ann's Rangers Central FC vs. Cunupia Police vs. North East Stars San Juan Jabloteh vs. Club Sando Defence Force vs. Point Fortin Morvant Caledonia United vs. Prison Service W Connection vs. Police North East Stars vs. Club Sando Point Fortin vs. Prison Service St. Ann's Rangers vs. Defence Force San Juan Jabloteh vs. Cunupia Morvant Caledonia United vs. Central FC Prison Service vs. North East Stars Central FC vs. W Connection Cunupia vs. Morvant Caledonia United Prison Service vs. San Juan Jabloteh Club Sando vs. Point Fortin Defence Force vs. North East Stars Police vs. St. Ann's Rangers

League Info

Content updated at: 24-06-2023, 03:04 UTC

In the 2023 season, we had another edition of the T&T Pro League, with 12 participants who fought against each other to determine the champion.

Here, on Betarena, you can follow the predictions, live results, and post-match analysis of all matches of this edition of the T&T Pro League. Moreover, on our statistics platform, you will get all the data you need to make a good selection in the competition games; for example, the standings are always up to date.

All up-to-date data on the T&T Pro League league is available on Betarena, with a comprehensive overview of fixtures, results, goals, and cards. Take a look at the statistics page, where you can find the information you need to make the best bets.

T&T Pro League

Last season, the average number of goals per game registered in this league was 3.27. The team with the most effective offense was North East Stars, with 68 goals scored, while Cunupia was the team with the worst offensive record, with only 13 goals scored in the league.

As for defenses, the highlight was North East Stars, who conceded goals on only 16 occasions. At the same time, Prison Service had the worst defensive numbers in the last edition of T&T Pro League, with a total of 61 goals conceded.

It is also worth noting that in 51.72% of the games in the T&T Pro League of 2023, the home teams won. The visitors, on the other hand, managed to win in 45.69% of the matches, while 12.93% of the clashes ended in a draw.


Who was the T&T Pro League champion?

The winner of the T&T Pro League 2019/2020 was Defence Force, adding up to 3 titles in the history of the competition.

Which team has the most T&T Pro League titles?

Overall, the biggest champion in T&T Pro League history is W Connection, with 3 competition trophies in the gallery.

Which team scored the most goals in the T&T Pro League season?

The team with the most effective attack was North East Stars, with 68 scored.

Which team conceded the most goals in the T&T Pro League season?

Prison Service had the worst defensive figures in the last edition of the T&T Pro League, with a total of 61 conceded.

Who was the top goal scorer in T&T Pro League?

Last season's top scorer in the T&T Pro League was , , who scored times in the competition.

Top Players

T&T Pro League

League Info

Trinidad and Tobago

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