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Segunda División

Segunda División



San Marcos


Deportes Vallenar


General Velásquez




No information available at the moment

The lack of data may be due to no information available at the moment, an error, or the widget is still under development for this section.


Provincial Ovalle

Puerto Montt

San Antonio Unido

Concón National



Real San Joaquín

General Velásquez

Deportes Rengo

Deportes Linares

Fernández Vial

Lautaro de Buin

Provincial Osorno


Concón National



Provincial Osorno

Lautaro de Buin

Provincial Ovalle

General Velásquez

San Antonio Unido

Deportes Linares

Real San Joaquín


Deportes Rengo

Puerto Montt

Fernández Vial

Provincial Ovalle

Fernández Vial

Concón National


San Antonio Unido

Lautaro de Buin


Deportes Linares

Real San Joaquín

Puerto Montt

Deportes Rengo


Provincial Osorno

General Velásquez

Provincial Ovalle


San Antonio Unido


Lautaro de Buin

Real San Joaquín

General Velásquez

Deportes Rengo

Deportes Linares


Fernández Vial

Provincial Osorno

Puerto Montt

Concón National


Fernández Vial


General Velásquez

Real San Joaquín

Concón National

Deportes Rengo

San Antonio Unido

Deportes Linares

Lautaro de Buin


Puerto Montt

Provincial Osorno

Provincial Ovalle

Concón National

Provincial Osorno

San Antonio Unido

Provincial Ovalle

Lautaro de Buin

Deportes Rengo

General Velásquez



Real San Joaquín

Fernández Vial


Puerto Montt

Deportes Linares

Provincial Ovalle

General Velásquez


Lautaro de Buin


Real San Joaquín

Deportes Rengo

Puerto Montt

Deportes Linares

Concón National

Fernández Vial


Provincial Osorno

San Antonio Unido

Concón National

Deportes Rengo

San Antonio Unido


Lautaro de Buin

Provincial Osorno

Real San Joaquín

Fernández Vial

General Velásquez

Deportes Linares


Provincial Ovalle

Puerto Montt


Provincial Ovalle

Deportes Linares


Concón National



Lautaro de Buin

General Velásquez

Deportes Rengo

Real San Joaquín

Fernández Vial

San Antonio Unido

Provincial Osorno

Puerto Montt

Concón National

Provincial Ovalle


Deportes Rengo

Real San Joaquín

San Antonio Unido

General Velásquez

Fernández Vial

Deportes Linares

Provincial Osorno



Puerto Montt

Lautaro de Buin

Provincial Ovalle



Real San Joaquín

San Antonio Unido

Puerto Montt

Lautaro de Buin


General Velásquez

Concón National

Fernández Vial

Deportes Linares

Provincial Osorno

Deportes Rengo

Concón National

Lautaro de Buin


Provincial Osorno

Real San Joaquín

Provincial Ovalle

Deportes Rengo

Fernández Vial

Deportes Linares

San Antonio Unido


General Velásquez

Puerto Montt


Provincial Ovalle

Deportes Rengo


Deportes Linares

San Antonio Unido


Lautaro de Buin


General Velásquez

Puerto Montt

Fernández Vial

Concón National

Provincial Osorno

Real San Joaquín

Puerto Montt

Provincial Ovalle

Concón National

San Antonio Unido



General Velásquez

Real San Joaquín

Deportes Linares

Deportes Rengo

Lautaro de Buin

Fernández Vial


Provincial Osorno


Concón National

Provincial Osorno


Provincial Ovalle

Lautaro de Buin

San Antonio Unido

General Velásquez

Real San Joaquín

Deportes Linares

Deportes Rengo


Fernández Vial

Puerto Montt

Fernández Vial

Provincial Ovalle


Concón National

Lautaro de Buin

San Antonio Unido

Deportes Linares


Puerto Montt

Real San Joaquín


Deportes Rengo

General Velásquez

Provincial Osorno


Provincial Ovalle


San Antonio Unido

Real San Joaquín

Lautaro de Buin

Deportes Rengo

General Velásquez


Deportes Linares

Provincial Osorno

Fernández Vial

Concón National

Puerto Montt

Fernández Vial


General Velásquez


Concón National

Real San Joaquín

San Antonio Unido

Deportes Rengo

Lautaro de Buin

Deportes Linares

Puerto Montt


Provincial Ovalle

Provincial Osorno

Provincial Osorno

Concón National

Provincial Ovalle

San Antonio Unido

Deportes Rengo

Lautaro de Buin


General Velásquez

Real San Joaquín



Fernández Vial

Deportes Linares

Puerto Montt

General Velásquez

Provincial Ovalle

Lautaro de Buin


Real San Joaquín


Puerto Montt

Deportes Rengo

Concón National

Deportes Linares


Fernández Vial

San Antonio Unido

Provincial Osorno

Deportes Rengo

Concón National


San Antonio Unido

Provincial Osorno

Lautaro de Buin

Fernández Vial

Real San Joaquín

Deportes Linares

General Velásquez

Provincial Ovalle



Puerto Montt

Deportes Linares

Provincial Ovalle

Concón National




General Velásquez

Lautaro de Buin

Real San Joaquín

Deportes Rengo

San Antonio Unido

Fernández Vial

Puerto Montt

Provincial Osorno

Provincial Ovalle

Concón National

Deportes Rengo


San Antonio Unido

Real San Joaquín

Fernández Vial

General Velásquez

Provincial Osorno

Deportes Linares



Lautaro de Buin

Puerto Montt


Provincial Ovalle

Real San Joaquín


Puerto Montt

San Antonio Unido


Lautaro de Buin

Concón National

General Velásquez

Deportes Linares

Fernández Vial

Deportes Rengo

Provincial Osorno

Lautaro de Buin

Concón National

Provincial Osorno


Provincial Ovalle

Real San Joaquín

Fernández Vial

Deportes Rengo

San Antonio Unido

Deportes Linares

General Velásquez



Puerto Montt

Deportes Rengo

Provincial Ovalle

Deportes Linares



San Antonio Unido


Lautaro de Buin

Puerto Montt

General Velásquez

Concón National

Fernández Vial

Real San Joaquín

Provincial Osorno

Puerto Montt vs. Provincial Ovalle Concón National vs. San Antonio Unido Trasandino vs. Melipilla General Velásquez vs. Real San Joaquín Deportes Linares vs. Deportes Rengo Lautaro de Buin vs. Fernández Vial Concepcion vs. Provincial Osorno Melipilla vs. Concón National Provincial Osorno vs. Trasandino Provincial Ovalle vs. Lautaro de Buin San Antonio Unido vs. General Velásquez Real San Joaquín vs. Deportes Linares Deportes Rengo vs. Concepcion Fernández Vial vs. Puerto Montt Fernández Vial vs. Provincial Ovalle Concepcion vs. Concón National Lautaro de Buin vs. San Antonio Unido Deportes Linares vs. Melipilla Puerto Montt vs. Real San Joaquín Trasandino vs. Deportes Rengo General Velásquez vs. Provincial Osorno Trasandino vs. Provincial Ovalle Melipilla vs. San Antonio Unido Real San Joaquín vs. Lautaro de Buin Deportes Rengo vs. General Velásquez Concepcion vs. Deportes Linares Provincial Osorno vs. Fernández Vial Concón National vs. Puerto Montt Fernández Vial vs. Trasandino General Velásquez vs. Melipilla Concón National vs. Real San Joaquín San Antonio Unido vs. Deportes Rengo Lautaro de Buin vs. Deportes Linares Puerto Montt vs. Concepcion Provincial Ovalle vs. Provincial Osorno Provincial Osorno vs. Concón National Provincial Ovalle vs. San Antonio Unido Deportes Rengo vs. Lautaro de Buin Trasandino vs. General Velásquez Real San Joaquín vs. Concepcion Melipilla vs. Fernández Vial Deportes Linares vs. Puerto Montt General Velásquez vs. Provincial Ovalle Lautaro de Buin vs. Trasandino Real San Joaquín vs. Melipilla Puerto Montt vs. Deportes Rengo Concón National vs. Deportes Linares Concepcion vs. Fernández Vial San Antonio Unido vs. Provincial Osorno Deportes Rengo vs. Concón National Trasandino vs. San Antonio Unido Provincial Osorno vs. Lautaro de Buin Fernández Vial vs. Real San Joaquín Deportes Linares vs. General Velásquez Provincial Ovalle vs. Concepcion Melipilla vs. Puerto Montt Deportes Linares vs. Provincial Ovalle Concón National vs. Trasandino Concepcion vs. Melipilla General Velásquez vs. Lautaro de Buin Real San Joaquín vs. Deportes Rengo San Antonio Unido vs. Fernández Vial Puerto Montt vs. Provincial Osorno Provincial Ovalle vs. Concón National Deportes Rengo vs. Melipilla San Antonio Unido vs. Real San Joaquín Fernández Vial vs. General Velásquez Provincial Osorno vs. Deportes Linares Trasandino vs. Concepcion Lautaro de Buin vs. Puerto Montt Melipilla vs. Provincial Ovalle Real San Joaquín vs. Trasandino Puerto Montt vs. San Antonio Unido Concepcion vs. Lautaro de Buin Concón National vs. General Velásquez Deportes Linares vs. Fernández Vial Deportes Rengo vs. Provincial Osorno Lautaro de Buin vs. Concón National Provincial Osorno vs. Melipilla Provincial Ovalle vs. Real San Joaquín Fernández Vial vs. Deportes Rengo San Antonio Unido vs. Deportes Linares General Velásquez vs. Concepcion Trasandino vs. Puerto Montt Deportes Rengo vs. Provincial Ovalle Deportes Linares vs. Trasandino Concepcion vs. San Antonio Unido Melipilla vs. Lautaro de Buin Puerto Montt vs. General Velásquez Concón National vs. Fernández Vial Real San Joaquín vs. Provincial Osorno Provincial Ovalle vs. Puerto Montt San Antonio Unido vs. Concón National Melipilla vs. Trasandino Real San Joaquín vs. General Velásquez Deportes Rengo vs. Deportes Linares Fernández Vial vs. Lautaro de Buin Provincial Osorno vs. Concepcion Concón National vs. Melipilla Trasandino vs. Provincial Osorno Lautaro de Buin vs. Provincial Ovalle General Velásquez vs. San Antonio Unido Deportes Linares vs. Real San Joaquín Concepcion vs. Deportes Rengo Puerto Montt vs. Fernández Vial Provincial Ovalle vs. Fernández Vial Concón National vs. Concepcion San Antonio Unido vs. Lautaro de Buin Melipilla vs. Deportes Linares Real San Joaquín vs. Puerto Montt Deportes Rengo vs. Trasandino Provincial Osorno vs. General Velásquez Provincial Ovalle vs. Trasandino San Antonio Unido vs. Melipilla Lautaro de Buin vs. Real San Joaquín General Velásquez vs. Deportes Rengo Deportes Linares vs. Concepcion Fernández Vial vs. Provincial Osorno Puerto Montt vs. Concón National Trasandino vs. Fernández Vial Melipilla vs. General Velásquez Real San Joaquín vs. Concón National Deportes Rengo vs. San Antonio Unido Deportes Linares vs. Lautaro de Buin Concepcion vs. Puerto Montt Provincial Osorno vs. Provincial Ovalle Concón National vs. Provincial Osorno San Antonio Unido vs. Provincial Ovalle Lautaro de Buin vs. Deportes Rengo General Velásquez vs. Trasandino Concepcion vs. Real San Joaquín Fernández Vial vs. Melipilla Puerto Montt vs. Deportes Linares Provincial Ovalle vs. General Velásquez Trasandino vs. Lautaro de Buin Melipilla vs. Real San Joaquín Deportes Rengo vs. Puerto Montt Deportes Linares vs. Concón National Fernández Vial vs. Concepcion Provincial Osorno vs. San Antonio Unido Concón National vs. Deportes Rengo San Antonio Unido vs. Trasandino Lautaro de Buin vs. Provincial Osorno Real San Joaquín vs. Fernández Vial General Velásquez vs. Deportes Linares Concepcion vs. Provincial Ovalle Puerto Montt vs. Melipilla Provincial Ovalle vs. Deportes Linares Trasandino vs. Concón National Melipilla vs. Concepcion Lautaro de Buin vs. General Velásquez Deportes Rengo vs. Real San Joaquín Fernández Vial vs. San Antonio Unido Provincial Osorno vs. Puerto Montt Concón National vs. Provincial Ovalle Melipilla vs. Deportes Rengo Real San Joaquín vs. San Antonio Unido General Velásquez vs. Fernández Vial Deportes Linares vs. Provincial Osorno Concepcion vs. Trasandino Puerto Montt vs. Lautaro de Buin Provincial Ovalle vs. Melipilla Trasandino vs. Real San Joaquín San Antonio Unido vs. Puerto Montt Lautaro de Buin vs. Concepcion General Velásquez vs. Concón National Fernández Vial vs. Deportes Linares Provincial Osorno vs. Deportes Rengo Concón National vs. Lautaro de Buin Melipilla vs. Provincial Osorno Real San Joaquín vs. Provincial Ovalle Deportes Rengo vs. Fernández Vial Deportes Linares vs. San Antonio Unido Concepcion vs. General Velásquez Puerto Montt vs. Trasandino Provincial Ovalle vs. Deportes Rengo Trasandino vs. Deportes Linares San Antonio Unido vs. Concepcion Lautaro de Buin vs. Melipilla General Velásquez vs. Puerto Montt Fernández Vial vs. Concón National Provincial Osorno vs. Real San Joaquín

League Info

Content updated at: 26-05-2024, 03:10 UTC

This lower division league of Chile, the Segunda División has one more edition played this 2024 season. With 14 teams participating, the competition will be played in 26 rounds, defining who will gain access to the division above.

Follow the Segunda División on Betarena, with predictions, results updated in real time, and post-match impressions of all the matches of the season. It is also worth taking a look at the statistics section, where there is constantly updated data and all the information you need to place the right bets.

In the Betarena statistics page you can find all useful information about the Segunda División 2024 league to make accurate analysis and place winning bets. Before you play, take a look at news about results, goals and cards and much more.

Segunda División 2024

13 matches of the current edition of the Segunda División have already been played. So far, the leader of the league table is Melipilla, who has a total of 27 points so far. There are 3 points separating first place from second place, which is currently Puerto Montt.

At the end of day number 13 the league averages 2.6 goals scored per game. Melipilla has the best attack with 31 goals scored while on the other side Concón National is the team that has scored the least, only 10 goals.

As for defenses, the highlight goes to Puerto Montt, which has conceded only 10 times. At the same time, Lautaro de Buin has the worst defensive numbers in this edition of the Segunda División, with a total of 27 goals conceded.

It is also worth noting that in 41.11% of the games in Segunda División 2024, the home teams have been victorious. The away side has won in 32.22% of matches, while 26.67% of matches have ended in a draw.

Individual highlights of the Segunda División 2024

The current top scorer in the current Segunda División season is Matías Recabal from Deportes Rengo, who has scored 9 goals in the competition. He is followed by Miguel Orellana Arcos, who plays for Provincial Osorno and has scored on 8 occasions.

Among the assistants, the highlight is Hernán Becica, Melipilla player, who has 1 passes leading to goals in this Segunda División. Second in this ranking is Jean Pineda, a player from Real San Joaquín, who has served teammates to score 1 times.

The Segunda División

The current champion of the Segunda División is Deportes Limache, which won the 2023 season. Also worthy of note is Melipilla, who took second place in the table in the previous edition of the tournament.

In 2023, Segunda División had an average of 2.39 goals scored per match. The most efficient attack was Deportes Limache, with 45 goals scored, while the least punished defense in that edition was Deportes Limache, with only 18 goals conceded.

Overall, the club with the most titles in the history of Segunda División is Iberia, with 3 competition trophies in the gallery. Behind them, comes Barnechea, which has won the tournament 1 times.


What stage is the Segunda División 2024 at?

There have been 13 rounds of the current edition of the Segunda División.

Who is the current champion of Segunda División?

The current champion of the Segunda División is Deportes Limache, which won the 2023 season.

Which team has the most titles in Segunda División?

Overall, the team with the most trophies of the Segunda División is Iberia, with 3 competition trophies in the gallery.

Where to follow the development of the Segunda División 2024?

Here, at Betarena, you can follow the predictions, live results, and post-match analysis of all matches of this edition of the Segunda División.

How to make profits with sports betting on the Segunda División?

With the information available on Betarena's statistics page for the Segunda División 2024, you'll have everything you need to make good analyses and make more significant profits with sports betting.

Top Players

Segunda División

League Info


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