
Understand how it works and if the cashout is worth it

Currently, the vast majority of bookmakers, such as Bet365, offer an option that can be seen from different angles by the bettors: the cashout. A button that helps the player take a portion of the amount invested, or even already won, from a pick that is still in progress. However, many times, what could help users is a trap, bringing more losses than recoveries.

To better illustrate this idea, we will explain what cashout is and how you can use it in this article. In addition, we will also help you understand whether or not it is worth using this option, and if so, when to do it in the best way. Finally, we will also show you a method, still little used by most bettors, to create an alternative to this ‘button.’ Check the following paragraphs and understand all about cashout.

Understanding the definition

Before knowing how to use cashout, you need to understand how it works. This option offered by the bookmakers makes it so that the bettor can take a portion of the money that is at stake in the pick. The amount can be related to the initial amount invested or some percentage of what has already been won. This is determined by how the event is going, that is, whether the selection made is close to being won or not.

To better understand how this button works, let’s go to the famous practical examples. In a soccer match in which you have invested in the home team winning, the clock strikes 40 minutes into the second half, and the score is 0-0. Probably the bookmaker will offer a small portion of the amount that the bettor entered in that pick for cashout. Something close to 10% or less since there is little chance that the bet will be won. If the score is 1-0 for the home team, it will probably offer something around 70% of the total amount won at the end of the match.

Is cashout worth it?

Now that you know how this option works, it is time to understand whether or not the cashout is worth it. After all, is this an opportunity that helps gamblers? Analyzing the possibilities coldly, most of the time, the answer is no. Bookmakers hardly aim to help players by offering the cashout value. In other words, the amount that can be withdrawn there is far less than an amount that would be fair concerning the chances of winning the bet.

It is quite true that, for example, in the scenario mentioned above, there are possibilities of the cashout helping. If the team you bet on and is winning a game suffers a draw, yet beforehand the cashout was made, there was an advantage. However, what happens more often with those who use cashout is more losses than recoveries. In other words, it is not usually worth it to be a frequent user of this button.

Hedging: the alternative to cashout

Something that is already very recurrent in the lives of the most experienced bettors, the hedge, has an important relationship with the cashout. In short, this is a technique that aims to minimize the losses of a bet previously made with another live pick. From what we have talked about cashout so far, it sounds like two similar options, doesn’t it? Precisely because of this, this method can be a much more advantageous alternative than the cashout button.

However, knowing how hedging works and the correct way to do it is imperative. After all, it is necessary to cover all possible outcomes of a bet. No matter what happens in the rest of the event, at least one of the choices needs to be a winner. In this case, you are guaranteed a return of the amount that was bet on the first selection in the worst case. As we have already discussed, there is no such guarantee when using cashout.

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